Keeping your Child Safe Online: Practical Tips for Parents

We love online learning - and so do our parents at My Primary and Secondary Tutor! It offers flexibility around your busy family commitments, allows you access to some of the best tutors for your children, no matter where in the UK you live, and children love logging in and learning through the support of technology.

There's no denying it: in today's digital age, the internet is an integral part of our children's lives, especially as they enter the tween years. While it offers incredible learning opportunities, it also presents risks. As online tutors, we understand how crucial it is to ensure our children navigate the online world safely. We know this is important to you as parents, but it can feel overwhelming to know where to start.

Here are some practical tips and advice to help give you not only strategies but also the peace of mind that you are equipped to protect your children online.

Clear Rules and Boundaries

Start with open and honest conversations about online safety. Discuss potential dangers and encourage your children to talk to you about anything they encounter online that makes them uncomfortable. Emphasise the importance of not sharing personal information, such as their full name, address, phone number, or school details, with strangers.

Establish clear rules for internet use, including which sites they can visit, the amount of time they can spend online, and appropriate online behaviour. Use parental controls and privacy settings to restrict access to inappropriate content and monitor their online activity.

Privacy and Monitoring

Support and educate your children about privacy settings on social media and other platforms. Ensure their profiles are set to private so only friends and family can see their posts. Show them how to manage who can see their information and how to block or report suspicious activity.

Various parental control tools can help monitor your child's online activity. These tools can filter inappropriate content, set time limits, and track their online interactions. Some popular options include Net Nanny, Qustodio, and Norton Family.

Regularly check your child’s browsing history and online interactions. Be aware of the games they play, the apps they use, and the social networks they join. Encourage them to use devices in shared family spaces rather than behind closed doors.

Promote Safe Social Media Use

Guide your children on safe social media practices, such as not accepting friend requests from strangers and not sharing location information. Remind them that once something is posted online, it can be challenging to remove it completely.

Children often mimic their parents' behaviour. Demonstrate good online habits, such as respecting others’ privacy, not oversharing personal information, and being mindful of screen time. Show them the positive aspects of the internet, like educational resources and safe, fun activities.


Unfortunately, cyberbullying does happen. But there are ways we can support and educate our children around this sensitive issue.

Talk to your children about cyberbullying and how to handle it if they encounter it. Encourage them to report any bullying to you or another trusted adult. Let them know it’s essential to stand up against bullying and to support their friends who may be victims.

Online Safety and Gaming

Gaming is a huge part of many children's lives, and it's now a world away from Sonic the Hedgehog on PlayStation 2!

Understanding the games your children play is crucial. Research the content, age ratings, and potential risks associated with each game. Set time limits to ensure gaming doesn’t interfere with other important activities, and monitor in-game interactions to protect against inappropriate content and stranger danger. Enable safety features like chat filters and reporting tools, and teach your children to use them. Discuss the risks of in-game purchases and set up password protection to prevent unexpected charges.

Gaming is an activity many children love, but promoting a balance when it comes to screen time is important. Encourage outdoor play, reading, and socialising. Create specific family time or days where your child gets to choose what you do, for example. Model balanced screen time habits yourself to set a positive example. By staying informed and involved, you can help your children enjoy gaming safely and responsibly.

Staying Informed

The internet and its associated risks are constantly evolving. It's vital you stay informed about the latest online trends, apps, and potential dangers. Join parent forums, attend workshops, and read articles on online safety to keep your knowledge up to date.

Keeping your children safe online requires ongoing effort - gaming, apps, and social media are ever-changing, and you can bet your child will know the latest trends before you! This doesn't need to be a threat, though. By fostering open communication, setting clear rules, and educating them about online dangers, you can help them enjoy the benefits of the internet while minimising the risks.

Remember, staying informed and involved in your child's online activities is key to ensuring their safety in the digital world.

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